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Certifications and Grants

Valencian Institute of Competitiveness and Innovation fund for talent promotion program

Valencian Institute of Competitiveness and Innovation fund for talent promotion program

EFI CRETAPRINT S.L.U. has received a grant under the Talent Promotion Program: “INCORPORACIÓN DE UN TECNOLÓGO PARA EL ÁREA DE I+D+I DE EFI CRETAPRINT, S.L.”

Place of Execution: Almazora, Castellón.
Execution period: 2024 to 2026.

The project has been funded by the Valencian Institute of Competitiveness and Innovation (IVACE) through the Promotion of Talent Program and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


Valencian Institute of Competitiveness and Innovation grant for talent promotion program

Valencian Institute of Competitiveness and Innovation grant for talent promotion program

EFI CRETAPRINT S.L.U. has received a grant under the Talent Promotion Program: “INCORPORACIÓN DE UN TECNOLÓGO PARA EL ÁREA DE I+D+I DE EFI CRETAPRINT, S.L.”

Place of Execution: Almazora, Castellón.
Execution period: 2024 to 2026.

The project has been funded by the Valencian Institute of Competitiveness and Innovation (IVACE) through the Promotion of Talent Program and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


Valencian Institute of Competitiveness and Innovation grant for talent promotion program

Valencian Institute of Competitiveness and Innovation grant for talent promotion program


Place of Execution: Almazora, Castellón.
Execution period: 2024 to 2026.

The project has been funded by the Valencian Institute of Competitiveness and Innovation (IVACE) through the Promotion of Talent Program and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


Valencian Employment and Training Service funds for hiring qualified young individuals

Valencian Employment and Training Service funds for hiring qualified young individuals

EFI Cretaprint S.L.U. has received a grant from LABORA, the Valencian Employment and Training Service, for hiring qualified young individuals in 2024 under the Promotion of Permanent Employment for Qualified Young People program. This initiative is part of the National Youth Guarantee System, supported by the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) 2021-2027, along with additional funds from the European Union.


ICEX Spain (Foreign Trade Institute) funds to support R&D programs

ICEX Spain (Foreign Trade Institute) funds to support R&D programs

EFI CRETAPRINT S.L.U. has received a grant for the project “Meccano. Research and development of a new highly productive single-pass platform for full digital printing delivering high-resolution printing on corrugated boards” from the Valencian Innovation Agency.

Ref: 0202302696

Investment: 800,000 €.

The project has been funded under the “Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience” funded by the Industry, Trade and Tourism Ministry and by the European Union through the “Next Generation Program”.


VALENCIAN INNOVATION AGENCY funds to support regional development programs

VALENCIAN INNOVATION AGENCY funds to support regional development programs

EFI CRETAPRINT S.L.U. has received a grant for the “Study of advanced techniques for the drying of droplets in inkjet printing systems” from the Valencian Agency of Innovation.

Ref: INNCAD/2023/57

Investment: 243,131.24 €.

The project has been funded by the Valencian Agency for Innovation through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2021-2027.


ICEX Spain (Foreign Trade Institute) funds to support the “Omnia R&D program”

ICEX Spain (Foreign Trade Institute) funds to support the “Omnia R&D program”

EFI CRETAPRINT S.L.U. has received a grant under the Transformation and Resilience Plan, funded by the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Tourism and by the European Union through the Next Generation EU program.

The Omnia project will include the research and development of a new unique, fully digital hybrid platform with single-pass technology for decorating different substrates.

Grant: 696.069,01 €

Expedient: ICEXPE_INI_202202141081


EFI Cretaprint SLU has achieved the ISO 14001:2015 environmental quality certification

EFI Cretaprint SLU has achieved the ISO 14001:2015 environmental quality certification

Being the first of the EFI group to achieve a standard in line with its business strategy and optimizing the performance of its environmental management system.


AGENCIA VALENCIANA DE LA INNOVACIÓ funds supporting R&D Talent Acquisition Drying-Curing Systems

AGENCIA VALENCIANA DE LA INNOVACIÓ funds supporting R&D Talent Acquisition Drying-Curing Systems

EFI CRETAPRINT S.L.U. has received a grant under the Talent Promotion Program: “Incorporation of researchers and technologists for innovation projects in companies” of the Valencian Agency for Innovation. Under the project of a new printing line allowing inkjet decoration on different substrates, without substantial modification of its architecture, it is expected to develop a new complementary drying and curing system.

Place of Execution: Almazora, Castellón.
Execution period: 01/01/2021 to 30/09/2023.

The project has been funded by the Valencian Agency for Innovation through the Promotion of Talent Program and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


AGENCIA VALENCIANA DE LA INNOVACIÓ funds supporting R&D Talent Acquisition 4 Different Technologies

AGENCIA VALENCIANA DE LA INNOVACIÓ funds supporting R&D Talent Acquisition 4 Different Technologies

EFI CRETAPRINT S.L.U. has received a grant under the Talent Promotion Program: “Incorporation of researchers and technologists for innovation projects in companies” of the Valencian Agency for Innovation. Under the project of a new printing line allowing inkjet decoration on different substrates, without substantial modification of its architecture, it is expected to develop an ink delivery system able to operate with 4 different technologies

Place of Execution: Almazora, Castellón.
Execution period: 01/01/2021 to 30/09/2023.

The project has been funded by the Valencian Agency for Innovation through the Promotion of Talent Program and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
